Environment Modules User Guide

Environment Modules is a utility for the dynamic modification of a user's environment via modulefiles. There is a modulefile for each of available software packages installed on the Lewis system. Therefore, users may use the module command to check available software on the system. Users can issue a module command to dynamically set or remove shell environment variables such as PATH, INCLUDE, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, MANPATH, etc. for the corresponding software package/version. Users may put a module command in the job script file as needed, and can also add a module command into their ~/.bashrc.

Check available modules/packages

The command to check the module files for installed software packages is

module avail

More module files will become available when software packages are added.

Example (output trimmed to save space):

$ module avail
-------------------------- /cluster/modulefiles/rcss ---------------------------
admixture_linux/admixture_linux-1.3.0  matlab/matlab-R2016a-cirl
amber/amber-11                         namd/namd-2.11
bcl2fastq2/bcl2fastq2-        namd/namd-2.11-multicore
bcl2fastq2/bcl2fastq2-        ncbi-blast/ncbi-blast-2.5.0+
beagle/beagle-09Feb16.2b7              nmag/nmag-0.2.1
beagle/beagle-22Feb16.8ef              nrn/nrn-7.4
beagle/beagle-27Jul16.86a              nrn/nrn-mpi-7.4
bolt-lmm/bolt-lmm-v2.2                 oommf/oomf-12a6
breakdancer/breakdancer-v1.4.5         openbugs/openbugs-3.2.3
caffe/caffe-master                     openfoam/openfoam-4.1
caffe/caffe-master_cpu-only            perl/perl5lib
charm/charm-net-linux-x86_64-6.7.0     picard-tools/picard-2.7.1

or check the available versions for a specific software package as follows:

$ module avail -t matlab

List loaded modules/packages

The command to list loaded modules/packages is

module list
$ module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
  1) null

Load/add a module to set the environmental variables

The command to set the environmental variables for a software package is module load [modulefile]. You may check the loaded modules using module list after you load a module/package.

$ module load matlab/matlab-R2016a
$ module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
  1) matlab/matlab-R2016a

To display what environmental variables have been set in a module

$ module display matlab/matlab-R2016a

module-whatis    Set up environment for matlab R2016a
prepend-path     PATH /cluster/software/matlab/matlab-R2016a/bin
setenv           MATLABPATH /cluster/software/matlab/addons/

To display basic help information for a module

$ module help [modulefile]
----------- Module Specific Help for '[modulefile]' ---------------------------

Helpful Information

Unload/remove a module from the shell environment

The command to unset the environmental variables for a software package is module unload [modulefile]. You may check the loaded modules using module list after you unload the module/package.

$ module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
  1) null                   2) matlab/matlab-R2016a
$ module unload matlab/matlab-R2016a
$ module list
  Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
    1) null

Unload all loaded modules

The command to unload all the loaded modules is module purge. You may check the loaded modules using module list after you unload the modules/packages.

$ module purge
(no output)