RSSTool is a toolbox for Slurm that provides information about users' accounts and jobs as well as information about the cluster resources. RSSTool also can help Slurm admins to collect users' information by user IDs and job IDs. Interactive command uses Slurm srun and sbatch commands to request resources interactively including running a Jupyter server on the cluster.


  • rsstool
  • interactive


rsstool command includes various Slurm commands at one place. Users can use different options to find the information about the cluster and their accounts and activities. Beyond the Slurm commands, rsstool provides some Unix features including users' groups, disk quotas and starting ssh agents. The ssh-agent lets users communicate with clients outside the cluster such as GitHub and GitLab or with other nodes within the cluster via ssh without asking for the passphrase (you need the passphrase to start the ssh-agent).

command line options

  • -h, --help: Show the help message and exit.
  • -a, --account: Return user's Slurm accounts by using Slurm sacctmgr.
  • -f, --fairshare: Return users' fairshare by using Slurm sshare command.
  • -g, --group: Return user's posix groups by using Unix groups command.
  • -q, --queue: Return user's jobs in the Slurm queue by Slurm using squeue command.
  • -j, --job: Show a running/pending job info by using Slurm scontrol command. It requires a valid job ID as argument.
  • -c, --cpu: Return computational resources including number of cores and amount of memory on each node. It uses Slurm sjstat command.
  • -p, --partition: Show cluster partitions by using Slurm sinfo command.
  • -u, --user: Store a user ID. By default it uses $USER as user ID for any query that needs user IDs. It can be used with other options to find the information for other users.
  • -v, --version: Show program's version number and exit.
  • --eff: Show efficiency of a job. It requires a valid job ID as argument. It uses Slurm seff command for completed/finished jobs and Unix top command for a running job.
  • --history: Return jobs history for last day, week, month or year. It requires one of the day/week/month/year options as an argument. It uses Slurm sacct command.
  • --pending: Return user's pending jobs by using Slurm squeue command.
  • --running: Return user's running jobs by using Slurm squeue command.
  • --qos: Show user's quality of services (QOS) and a list of available QOS in the cluster. It uses Slurm sacctmgr show assoc command.
  • --quota: Return user's disk quotas. It uses LFS lfs quota command for LFS systems and Unix df command for NFS systems.
  • --ncpu: Show number of available cpus on the cluster using Slurm sinfo command.
  • --ncgu: Show number of available gpus on the cluster using Slurm squeue and sinfo commands.
  • --gpu: Show gpu resources including gpu cards' name and numbers using Slurm sinfo command.
  • --license: Show available license servers using Slurm scontrol command.
  • --reserve: Show Slurm reservations using Slurm scontrol command.
  • --topusage: Show top usage users using Slurm sreport command.
  • --agent: Start, stop and list user's ssh-agents on the current host. It requires one of the start/stop/list options as an argument. Use ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no to disable asking for host key acceptances.


See jobs' histoty:

[user@lewis4-r630-login-node675 ~]$ module load rsstool
[user@lewis4-r630-login-node675 ~]$ rsstool --hist day
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jobs History - Last Day --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     JobID   User Account      State Partition     QOS NCPU NNod ReqMem              Submit   Reserved               Start    Elapsed                 End             NodeList    JobName 
---------- ------ ------- ---------- --------- ------- ---- ---- ------ ------------------- ---------- ------------------- ---------- ------------------- -------------------- ---------- 
  23126125  user  general  COMPLETED Interact+ intera+    1    1    2Gn 2021-07-28T01:25:05   00:00:00 2021-07-28T01:25:05   00:00:03 2021-07-28T01:25:08 lewis4-c8k-hpc2-nod+       bash 
  23126126  user  general  COMPLETED Interact+ intera+    1    1    2Gn 2021-07-28T01:25:13   00:00:00 2021-07-28T01:25:13   00:00:03 2021-07-28T01:25:16 lewis4-c8k-hpc2-nod+       bash 
  23126127  user  general  COMPLETED Interact+ intera+    1    1    2Gn 2021-07-28T01:25:20   00:00:00 2021-07-28T01:25:20   00:00:08 2021-07-28T01:25:28 lewis4-c8k-hpc2-nod+       bash 
  23126128  user  genera+  COMPLETED Interact+ intera+    1    1    2Gn 2021-07-28T01:25:49   00:00:00 2021-07-28T01:25:49   00:00:03 2021-07-28T01:25:52 lewis4-c8k-hpc2-nod+       bash 
  23126129  user  genera+  COMPLETED Interact+ intera+    1    1    2Gn 2021-07-28T01:26:05   00:00:00 2021-07-28T01:26:05   00:00:06 2021-07-28T01:26:11 lewis4-c8k-hpc2-nod+       bash 
  23126130  user  genera+  COMPLETED       Gpu  normal    1    1    2Gn 2021-07-28T01:26:38   00:00:02 2021-07-28T01:26:40   00:00:11 2021-07-28T01:26:51 lewis4-z10pg-gpu3-n+       bash 
  23126131  user  genera+ CANCELLED+       Gpu  normal    1    1    2Gn 2021-07-28T01:27:43   00:00:01 2021-07-28T01:27:44   00:01:03 2021-07-28T01:28:47 lewis4-z10pg-gpu3-n+ jupyter-py 

Find a job's efficiency:

[user@lewis4-r630-login-node675 ~]$ rsstool --eff 23148125
------------------------------------- Job Efficiency -------------------------------------
Job ID: 23126131
Cluster: lewis4
User/Group: user/user
State: CANCELLED (exit code 0)
Cores: 1
CPU Utilized: 00:00:01
CPU Efficiency: 1.59% of 00:01:03 core-walltime
Memory Utilized: 45.80 MB
Memory Efficiency: 2.24% of 2.00 GB

Find accounts, fairshares, and groups:

[user@lewis4-r630-login-node675 ~]$ rsstool -afg
---------------------------------------- Accounts ----------------------------------------
rcss-gpu  root  general-gpu  rcss  general

--------------------------------------- Fairshare ----------------------------------------
             Account       User  RawShares  NormShares    RawUsage  EffectvUsage  FairShare 
-------------------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ----------- ------------- ---------- 
root                       user     parent    1.000000           0      0.000000   1.000000 
general-gpu                user          1    0.000005        3942      0.000016   0.098089 
rcss                       user          1    0.001391        1327      0.001147   0.564645 
general                    user          1    0.000096     3196356      0.000243   0.174309 
rcss-gpu                   user          1    0.000181           0      0.000000   0.999976 

----------------------------------------- Groups -----------------------------------------
user : user rcss gaussian biocompute rcsslab-group rcss-maintenance rcss-cie software-cache

Find disk quotas:

[user@lewis4-r630-login-node675 ~]$ rsstool --quo
------------------------------------- user /home storage -------------------------------------
      File         Used  Use%  Avail  Size  Type
      /home/user   996M  20%   4.1G   5.0G  nfs4
------------------------------------- user /data storage -------------------------------------
     Filesystem    used   quota   limit   grace   files   quota   limit   grace
          /data  85.89G      0k    105G       - 1477223       0       0       -

Fine jobs in the queue:

[user@lewis4-r630-login-node675 ~]$ rsstool -q
----------------------------------- Jobs in the Queue ------------------------------------
          23150514     Lewis jupyter-    user   R       5:29      1 lewis4-r630-hpc4-node537


Interactive is an alias for using cluster interactively using Slurm srun command. Interactive command is restricted to 4 hours interactive use in partitions Interactive, Gpu, and Dtn. While interactive jupyter lets user work on JupyterLab for up to 8 hours on other Lewis partitions.

command line options

  • -h, --help: Show this help message and exit
  • -A, --account: Slurm account name or project id
  • -n, --ntasks: Number of tasks (cpus)
  • -N, --nodes: Number of nodes
  • -p, --partition: Partition name
  • -t, --time: Number of hours (up to 4)
  • -l, --license: License
  • -m, --mem: Amount of memory per GB
  • -g, --gpu: Number of gpus


Use the cluster interactively:

[user@lewis4-r630-login-node675 bin]$ module load rsstool
[user@lewis4-r630-login-node675 ~]$ interactive
Logging into Interactive partition with 2G memory, 1 cpu for 2 hours ... 
[user@lewis4-r7425-htc5-node835 ~]$ 

Use the cluster interactively with more time and resources:

[user@lewis4-r630-login-node675 ~]$ interactive --mem 16 -n 6 -t 4
Logging into Interactive partition with 16G memory, 6 cpu for 4 hours ... 
[user@lewis4-r7425-htc5-node835 ~]$

Use the cluster interactively with a license:

[user@lewis4-r630-login-node675 ~]$ interactive --mem 16 -n 6 -t 4 -l matlab
Logging into Interactive partition with 16G memory, 6 cpu for 4 hours with a matlab license ... 
[user@lewis4-r7425-htc5-node835 ~]$

Use a Gpu interactively:

[user@lewis4-r630-login-node675 ~]$ interactive -p Gpu
Logging into Gpu partition with 1 gpu, 2G memory, 1 cpu for 2 hours ... 
[user@lewis4-r730-gpu3-node431 ~]$

interactive jupyter

interactive jupyter submits a batch file by sbatch command to run a Jupyter server on the cluster. Multiple kernels and environments can be applied to use different software and packages in JupyterLab.

command line options

  • -h, --help: Show this help message and exit
  • -A, --account: Slurm account name or project id
  • -n, --ntasks: Number of tasks (cpus)
  • -N, --nodes: Number of nodes
  • -p, --partition: Partition name
  • -t, --time: Number of hours (up to 4)
  • -k, --kernel: Jupyter kernel for python, r, julia. Select one of the available kernels. The default kernel is python.
  • -e, --environment: Python environment(s) for tensorflow-v1.9, tensorflow, pytorch
  • -m, --mem: Amount of memory per GB
  • -g, --gpu: Number of gpus


Use JupyterLab:

[user@lewis4-r630-login-node675 ~]$ interactive jupyter
Logging into Lewis partition with 2G memory, 1 cpu for 2 hours ...
Starting Jupyter server (it might take about a couple minutes) ...
Starting Jupyter server ...
Starting Jupyter server ...

Jupyter Notebook is running.

Open a new terminal in your local computer and run:
ssh -NL 8888:lewis4-r630-hpc4-node303:8888

After that open a browser and go:

To stop the server run the following on the cluster:
scancel 23150533

Use TensorFlow with JupyterLab:

[user@lewis4-r630-login-node675 ~]$ interactive jupyter -A general-gpu -p gpu3 --mem 16 -t 8 -e tensorflow
Logging into gpu3 partition with 1 gpu, 16G memory, 1 cpu for 8 hours with account general-gpu ...
Starting Jupyter server (it might take about a couple minutes) ...
Starting Jupyter server ...
Starting Jupyter server ...

Use R with JupyterLab:

interactive jupyter -k r
Logging into Lewis partition with 2G memory, 1 cpu for 2 hours ...
Starting Jupyter server (it might take about a couple minutes) ...
Starting Jupyter server ...
Starting Jupyter server ...